The psychology of ethical behaviour In a country where unethical behaviour and blatant corruption by political and business leaders seem to be the norm, more and more people are asking what causes it and how it can be prevented. What it means to be an ethical organisation If the leaders of an organisation have a strategy, vision and promise that is inspiring, and financial returns are actually positioned as a consequence of the company’s purpose, and not the reason for its existence, the call for principled action resonates throughout the organisation. The causes of unethical behaviour The factors that contribute … Continued
Six ways to minimise the impact of load shedding on your small business*
Generator: The size of generator you’ll need depends on your electrical requirements. For, example if you need to power three computers, a kettle and lights, a 2KW generator should be enough. If you have a shop with fridges, air conditioning and a till, you’ll need at least a 5KW on, and if you have a guesthouse with 10 rooms, you’ll need a 10KW. Generators can be mobile or fixed (like an air-conditioning unit). Mobile units can be bought at most home or building stores – just be sure to phone around ahead of time as demand might be high. Take an … Continued
S&P leaves SA’s credit rating unchanged
S&P Global Ratings maintained its outlook on SA as stable, alleviating the fear the rating agency would give SA a further downgrade at its next ratings review. “Since Cyril Ramaphosa’s election as ANC leader in December 2017 and appointment as the country’s president in February 2018, business and investor confidence have strengthened,” S&P said in its latest sovereign rating report on SA, issued at 10pm on Friday night. S&P held its credit rating on rand-denominated South African government bonds at one tier into junk status, BB+, and foreign-currency denominated bonds at two tiers into junk status, BB. “We anticipate a … Continued
INFOGRAPHIC: Twelve products costing you over 6% more than a year ago
Statistics South Africa released the April Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) index on Wednesday, showing that costs increased 4.5% year-on-year, compared to 3.8% in March. Fin24 reported that the big culprits behind the rise in inflation were price increases in product groups that attract specific taxes, namely alcohol, fuel and sugary drinks. On April 1, both the added taxes on these items and the jump to 15% value added tax (VAT) rate became effective, although Stats SA said the full impact couldn’t be assessed in April. Some items calculated are zero rated, mitigating the effect of the increase. Fin24 took a look at what … Continued